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Monday. March 7th, 2016

Happy Monday!

Please remember to sign up for a Student Led Conference with your child. We will be practicing all week to prepare for our conferences with you! Also, today is library day. If your child has not returned their books, please send them this week. In math we are continuing to work on double-digit addition and subtraction. This can get very confusing, so please remember to help your child with their math homework each week. In addition to math homework, please continue reading with your child and helping them to complete their reading log for the month of March. There will be no school March 18th - April 3rd, I hope everyone has fun plans for Spring Break! Also, I want to remind everyone that we have multiple peanut allergies in our classroom. Please remember to check your child’s snacks for peanuts, as they will not be allowed to eat snack in our classroom if they have a food containing peanuts.

Have a great week!

Ms. Linnenkamp

Friday, February 19th, 2016

We have Spring Fever here in First Grade! I hope everyone has been enjoying the “Spring like” weather we have had lately. We have started a science unit on Solids & Liquids, and the kiddos are loving it! In addition to talking about Matter, we will be learning about Earth’s materials, such as rocks and soil. I hope everyone saw the new math HW that went home yesterday. In math, we have been learning a very important skill called “re-grouping” when adding and subtracting. It can be a little confusing, so please let me know if you have any questions when helping your child with their HW. In writing, we are working on giving our opinion, as well as reasons and details to further explain our ideas/opinions. We visited the library yesterday since there was no school on Monday. However, we will be back to our normal Library day this coming Monday. Please help your child to remember their library books on Sunday evening/Monday morning. Also we will have a special visit from a Dentist next Tuesday. Don’t forget to continue reading with your child, and coloring in the “Heart Reading Log” for this month.

Have a great weekend!!

Ms. Linnenkamp


Friday, February 11th, 2016

Happy almost 4 day weekend!

We have had a fun day in First Grade! Please remember that there is NO school tomorrow (Friday, February 12th) and NO school on Monday February 15th. Your child is bringing home their math homework today. I have included two fun Valentine's pages that I think your child will enjoy. Since we will be out of school on our library day, please send your child's library books on Tuesday. We have begun our next IB unit which is all about National Parks. This week we have learned about Rocky Mountain National Park. If your family has ever visited RMNP, please send in pictures (or e-mail), we would love to see them! 

I hope you enjoy your extra long weekend! Thanks for your continued support!

Ms. Linnenkamp

Monday, February 8th, 2016


I hope everyone enjoyed Super Bowl Sunday! This week we will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Thursday. Your child will be decorating a bag in the morning, and we will pass out Valentines towards the end of the day. If you would like for your child to GIVE Valentines to their classmates, please just have your child write their name in the "from" spot. In order to make passing out a little easier, I would prefer if they are not addressed to any specific children. We have a total of 21 children in our classroom. We will be keeping it pretty short & sweet! 


Here are a few reminders for the week:


-There is NO SCHOOL on Friday 2/12, or Monday 2/15

-We have P.E. this week, please make sure your child has tennis shoes!

-We are starting a new chapter in math, look out for math HW on Thursday.

-Make sure your child has started on their new "Heart" Reading Log!

-If your child has library books at home, please return them. They will be bringing home new books today and may keep these until next week.



Ms. Linnenkamp

Monday, February 1st, 2016

Hi Everyone!

Here are a few reminders..


-Reading logs are DUE. The new log for February is coming home today. 


-100th day of school is on Wednesday. If your child wants they can collect 100 things, or make a t-shirt to wear with 100 objects on drawn or glued on. 


-Please return Library books, we will be visiting Mrs. Larson to checkout new books tomorrow morning (Feb 2nd). 


-For Valentine's Day, your child will be creating a bag here at school. If you would like for your child to pass out valentines to their classmates, please just have your child sign their name and do not address it to anyone. This will make passing out Valentines much easier. We will be keeping it very simple!


Let me know if you have questions!

Ms. Linnenkamp

Friday, January 8th, 2016

Happy Friday!

I hope everyone is staying warm today! We will be having indoor recess. This week in first grade we finished up our math unit on length & measurement- the students really enjoyed learning about this. For our next unit we will be covering shapes, this includes 2-D and 3-D shapes. It would be beneficial for your child to practice finding 2 & 3-D shapes at home as well (such as the TV, a clock, a soccer ball, a box of crackers, etc.) The vocabulary we will be using for 3-D shapes is: rectangular prism, cube, sphere, cone, pyramid, and cylinder. We have started a new IB unit on “Communities”. Your child will be learning all about our community of Castle Rock, including jobs, and how they can help out in the community.  Don’t forget that MONDAY is our library day. Please send your child with their books, so that they have an opportunity to check out new ones. As always, math homework will come home on Thursdays, and is due on, or before, the following Thursday.  Next weekend will be having a 4-day weekend, yahoo! There will be NO SCHOOL on January 15th, and January 18th. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, let me know if you need anything!


Ms. Linnenkamp

Friday, December 4th, 2015

Hello from First Grade!

I hope everyone has seen that a new “snowman” reading log went home yesterday. Please remember that your child is only allowed to color 1 snowman each day that they read. Also- your child’s family history project is due on Monday. I have sent 2 hard copies home of the rubric, however, if you need another over the weekend just let me know and I can e-mail an electronic copy. On Monday we will be visiting the library, so make sure to put your child’s library books in their backpacks before Monday morning. Our school has started a very important fundraiser called ‘Pennies for Patients’. We will be collecting pennies in our classroom to donate to the Leukemia & Lymphoma society. There is a cardboard box in your child’s green folder so that they can collect pennies at home too! It’s hard to believe we are just 2 weeks away from Christmas Break! Let me know if you need anything!


Ms. Linnenkamp

Friday, November 12th, 2015

Hello from First Grade!

Thank you for helping your child to remember their heavy jacket, hat, and gloves this week. Our Lost & Found is getting quite full, so if your child is missing something, I would recommend checking there- lost & found is in the cafeteria. We did not get a chance to visit the library this week, but we will be going again on Monday. If your child has books at home from the South Ridge library, please send them with your child on Monday morning.  Also, our class is running out of glue sticks. If anyone would be kind enough to pick up a couple, we would greatly appreciate it! Our Thanksgiving break is quickly approaching- please remember we will not have school November 23-27th.  As always thank you for your continued support, and let me know if you need anything!

Ms. Linnenkamp

Friday, November 6th, 2015

Hello wonderful families!

I hope everyone has had a great week! The first graders have been learning a lot! This week we took a math test, and overall everyone did really well. We have begun our next chapter- that covers addition and subtraction facts to 20. The kiddos and I are really working on memorizing our doubles facts (2+2, 4+4, etc.) It would be very helpful if you also quiz your child on their doubles facts every now and then! We are also now writing non-fiction books, we call these “teaching books!” Ask your child what they have been writing about at school. For our next IB planner we are learning about families, and I would like to remind everyone that we are creating a family tree in our classroom. We would really love if each child has a picture of their family to hang up. If you have any digital/electronic pictures you can e-mail them to me, and I would be happy to print them here at school. Another option is to have your child draw a family portrait using crayons/markers, and we can add their drawing to the tree. Thanks for your continued support, and for sending your child with their jacket!

-Ms. Linnenkamp

Friday, October 30th, 2015

Hello and Happy Halloween!

We had a great time on our walking field trip today! It was short & sweet! Today we had outside recess and I noticed a few kiddos had no coats, or brought light jackets. As the weather begins to turn, please, please, make sure to send your child to school with a winter coat. I would rather the students be too warm, than too cold! J It is hard to believe, but November is here! That means your child should be returning their reading log to me on MONDAY. A new reading log will be sent home on Monday, November 2nd.  Also, there is NO SCHOOL for students on Tuesday, November 3rd. Thank you for working with your child on their weekly math homework, and turning it in by the following Thursday. Please let me know if you have any questions, or need anything! All is well here in First Grade!!

Ms. Linnenkamp

Friday, October 26th, 2015

Hello everyone & Happy Friday!

It was a great week back from Fall Break, the kiddos are doing awesome! This week we started a new chapter in math. We are working with numbers from 11-20, and most importantly making a group of ten, and then counting on from there. We are coming to a close with our American Symbols unit, and you will see some of the students’ projects coming home next week. Also, I want to mention again that we will be trick or treating at an assisted living center up the street next Friday morning. Many of you returned the permission slip today, but if you have not, I need it by next Wednesday the 28th. Please do not send trick or treat baskets. As the weather is changing, please make sure you are sending your child with warm clothing for recess. I am going to try to take the kiddos out whenever possible, even if just for a quick walk. Fresh air does the body good! J Your child is now receiving homework that is specific to their intervention group. Please make sure you are still helping your child with this each week. It is hard to believe, but October is almost over and that means the apple reading logs will be due in 1 week. Your child should be reading at least 15 min each night and practicing their word wave packet. Please let me know if you need anything or have questions!

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Hello Parents & Families-

We have just finished up another awesome week learning about symbols. This week, we specifically learned about Colorado symbols, such as the state bird, state tree, state flower, and of course the Colorado flag. In math we have started learning and practicing subtraction. Similar to when we learned addition strategies, the kiddos are learning to put the first number in their head and then count down from there. Next Wednesday we will begin our “intervention” time. During this time, your child may be visiting a different first grade classroom. Mrs. Langerak, Mrs. Bergacker and I have grouped all of the first grade students according to their math level, and they will have 30 minutes each day with their leveled math group.  Also, your child will most likely be receiving different math homework that matches what they are working on in their intervention group. This morning I sent out a link for conferences, so please be sure to sign up! Thank you for remembering to send your child with a healthy snack each day!

As always, thank you for your continued support and please let me know if you need anything!

Ms. Linnenkamp

Thursday, September 17th, 2015

Happy Thursday!

I am sending my weekly update a day early because I have a few important reminders. First, tomorrow will be Red, White, and Blue day. The kiddos and I have been practicing the song “You’re a Grand Old Flag” and we will be performing it tomorrow for our first grade peers. Also, we have library day on Monday. I have told the students that if they are finished with their books, they should return them tomorrow (Friday) so that they don’t forget on Monday morning. However, if you would like to keep them over the weekend, that is totally fine! Please note- your child will not be able to check out new books on Monday if they have not returned their old ones. Thank you for working with your child to complete their math homework each week. The students are learning and developing important homework habits that they will carry with them through their lives. Please continue to remind your child to use the “counting on” strategy when solving addition problems.

Thanks for your support, and please let me know if you need anything!

Ms. Linnenkamp

Monday, September 14th, 2015

Today  I will be sending home a form regarding the "Snack Pack" Program. This is a program that will offer nutritious snacks to students in need at South Ridge. The snacks are free of charge and will be handed out every Friday. If you feel your child would benefit from this program, please fill out the BLUE form, and have your child return it to me by this Wednesday the 16th. 


Friday, September 11th, 2015


Good Morning Wonderful Families!

I hope everyone had a great week- we certainly did in 1st grade! Yesterday I sent home the next math packet, as well as school pictures. If you did not see either of these items, check your child’s folder green folder this evening. In math we have been learning to count on from a number. For example, when adding 5 + 2, we have learned to put 5 in our head, and then count 2 fingers from there. When assisting your child with their homework this week, please remind them to use this strategy. Next week we will be starting our first IB planner, which will cover ‘American Symbols’. This is a very fun unit! To celebrate our American pride, next Friday the 18th we are asking that all first graders wear Red, White, and Blue. Starting next week, I will be sending home our class pet with 1 first grader at a time. Don’t worry,- it’s just a stuffed animal. J  The stuffed cheetah comes with a journal that each kiddo will write in about their weekend with Chongo. The cheetah will be sent home on Fridays, and is to be returned early the next week. Monday would be great, Wednesday at the very latest. Also, I am in the process of creating a class web page. It is a work in progress, but please feel free to check it out! The web address is:


I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend. Please let me know if there is anything you need! Thank you for your support.

Ms. Linnenkamp

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